
Digital Marketing strategies that touch the hearts of Hispanic travelers.

Today, Hispanic tourists contribute more than $56 billion to the tourism industry. According to the National Tour Association, Hispanics travel more than any other demographic in the country. They take an average of two more trips per year than non-Hispanics and spend more. On the other hand, given their strong family ties, ...

Hispanic students are essential for higher education.

Many Hispanic students, and their families, dream of studying in the U.S. However, colleges and universities continue to face challenges in developing appropriate enrollment campaigns and marketing strategies that allow them to connect with Hispanic students. Even though the Hispanic college population is growing significantly, some stereotypes still exist and prevent ...

Los estudiantes hispanos son esenciales para la educación superior.

Estudiar en los Estados Unidos es el sueño de muchos estudiantes hispanos, y de sus familias. Sin embargo, sigue siendo un reto para las universidades diseñar campañas de inscripción y estrategias de marketing adecuadas que les permitan conectar con los estudiantes hispanos. Aunque el aumento de la población universitaria hispana es ...

Hispanic Sports Marketing : Make a Big Business Play

Did you know that Latinos still call soccer “fútbol”? And that for a Latino immigrant, experiencing an NBA game could be a dream come true? Reaching out to communities that have not traditionally been home to these teams is possible if you consider the needs of the Hispanic market. Soccer is a ...

La Audiencia Hispana Apasionada Por Los Deportes

¿Sabías que los latinos todavía llaman al fútbol "soccer"? ¿Qué disfrutar de la NBA para un inmigrante latino puede ser un sueño hecho realidad? Llegar a las comunidades que no han sido tradicionalmente fanáticos de estos equipos es posible, si consideras las inquietudes que tiene el mercado hispano. Con hacer un repaso ...

What non-profit organizations should know about digital marketing

In general, when we talk about marketing, we think of high-cost advertising strategies executed by companies trying to sell their products and services to a target audience, essentially maximizing their profits. As a result, associating the word “marketing” with "nonprofits organizations" can seem a bit odd. As odd as it may seem, ...

Shall replenish. Tree doesn’t face. There which creepeth multiply fish unto of Seed. Behold made two Rule divided. Fruit form.

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Shall replenish. Tree doesn’t face. There which creepeth multiply fish unto of Seed. Behold made two Rule divided. Fruit form.

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