.be discovered

sem - search engine marketing

Paid Ads

Thousands of people are searching online for your products and services. Internet advertising is a low-cost and profitable investment that enhances your business. Online advertising campaigns are very important as they attract people who are specifically looking for the products or services that your company offers.

At BOLD Digital Marketing Studio, we create personalized campaigns that generate hard leads by attracting people who are searching look for the product or service mix your company provides. We also maximize your budget and reach more consumers by advertising across different platforms, such as, Google, Facebook and Instagram.

Our Paid Ads services include:

. Strategic media planning
. Targeting
. Funnel planning
. Budget management

. Consumer trends
. Media strategy for social networks
. Content development
. Reports & Analytics

Google Ads

Local Services Ads

WhatsApp Ads

LinkedIn Ads

Facebook Ads

Instagram Ads

Youtube Ads

Spotify Ads

Tik Tok Ads

seo - search engine optimization


Thousands of potential customers are looking for your products and services at any particular time, but with over a billion websites competing for the top spots in search results, it becomes a real challenge to drive traffic to your site from search engines. Through SEO your company website will rank among the top Google positions, hence increasing your leads and improving your sales.

BOLD helps you improve the positioning of your website in the most popular search engines by implementing a content strategy and other proven digital marketing tools that will help you obtain great results in the shortest possible time.

Our SEO services include:

. SEO consulting

. SEO audit

. Keywords research

. Buyer persona creation

. On-page SEO optimization
. Off-page SEO optimization
. Traffic measure results
. Ranking measure results

On-Page SEO

SEO Audit

Google Business Profile

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.BE creative

Multi-language content marketing: We make a great story out of your brand.


Branding and Identity: We create an emotional connection with your target through graphics and videos.


Web Design and User Experience: We build websites that connect with your customer needs.

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