. oriana


If it's good to live, it's even better to dream, and best of all, to wake up

Graphic Artist + Web Designer –

Creativity and imagination are Oriana’s favorite words, which is not surprising considering she has a degree in Multimedia and Interactive Design. Her areas of expertise include graphic design, web design, and UX/UI design.

Without a doubt, her great passion is nature and animals. She has 14 dogs, 5 cats, a chicken, 2 ferrets, and a horse, with dreams to continue practicing one of her favorite sports: Horseback riding. She also plays volleyball and competes professionally.

She describes herself as an outgoing and talkative girl who loves to help people, share her knowledge, and make those having a hard day laugh.

At Bold, Ori brings our clients’ websites to life by designing banners, flyers, newsletters, and blogs.

Her favorite food is sushi, she doesn’t like chocolate, and she spends her free time playing games because she is a gamer at heart.

She is authentic and original and belongs to the BOLD team.

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